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Percentage achieving national standard and above in reading, writing and maths.
Percentage making above expected standard in reading, writing and maths
Percentage making expected standard in reading.
Percentage making above expected standard in writing.
Percentage making expected attainment in maths.
Leighfield | 87% |
Leighfield Higher Standard | 39% |
National | 74% |
National Higher Standard | 28% |
Leighfield | 83% |
Leighfield Higher Standard | 9% |
National | 69% |
National Higher Standard | 13% |
Leighfield | 87% |
Leighfield Higher Standard | 48% |
National | 71% |
National Higher Standard | 22% |
Leighfield | 91% |
Leighfield Higher Standard | 44% |
National | 72% |
National Higher Standard | 36% |
Expected | 100 |
Achieved | 107 |
Expected | 100 |
Achieved | 108 |
Expected | 100 |
Achieved | 108 |
Leighfield | 67% |
Leighfield Greater Depth | 13% |
National | 68% |
National Greater Depth | 18% |
Leighfield | 57% |
Leighfield Greater Depth | 3% |
National | 58% |
National Greater Depth | 8% |
Leighfield | 67% |
Leighfield Greater Depth | 7% |
National | 68% |
National Greater Depth | 15% |
Leighfield | 57% |
National | 53% |
Leighfield Primary School | 95% |
National | 76% |
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Managed & Supported Hosting by Globe2